For the 277 best-in-slot list just search for "
Step 5: The 277 Best-in-Slot list" down at the bottom.
Look for rings, trinkets, capes, and necks next week.
Step 1:As such, I have put together a little comparison of the 277 set pieces vs the 277 offset pieces. Since you will more or less be forced to wear the 4pc for the enrage set bonus, the first task is to see if any set items are actually better than the offset items.
Helm: vs gains: 24 agi, and 106 ARP
Offset gains: 48 AP, 8 crit, and 98 hit
Conclusion: Set
Shoulders: vs 8 agi, and 82 ARP
offset: 1 yellow socket, and 74 haste
Conclusion: Off-set
Chest: vs 16 agi, 122 crit, and 106 ARP
offset: 1 blue socket, 16 AP, 114 hit, and 106 exp
Conclusion: Off-set
Legs: vs 16 agi, 122 ARP, and 106 Exp
offset: 1 blue socket, 16 AP, 98 hit, and 122 crit
Conclusion: Wash
Gloves: vs 8 agi, and 8 haste
offset: 1 yellow socket
Conclusion: Off-set
Step 2:Since the legs are close enough and the helm is clearly better, we need to determine which 2 of the 3 remaining slots to use to finish the set bonus. Considering the lack of hit and expertise getting both on one piece makes this choice easy, keep the off-set chest.
Right now you have equipped:
Set: helm, and legs
Off-set: chest, gloves, and shoulders
Changing the gloves gains you 8 agi and 8 haste while changing the shoulders gains you 8 agi and 82 ARP.
Changing the gloves costs you 1 yellow socket while changing the shoulders costs you another yellow socket and 74 haste.
Now you have equipped:
Set: helm, gloves, shoulders and legs
Off-set: chest
Is the 4pc set bonus, 16 agi, and 82 ARP worth 60 stam (2 yellow sockets) and 66 haste?
Step 3: The 264 sets vs 264 off-sets. Unlike TOC where 245 set and offset had the same number of sockets while 258 sets had 1 less socket than the set piece, the normal mode 264 sets in ICC have 1 less socket than the 264 non-set also. That makes this comparison rather redundant but here it is anyway.
Helm: vs gains: 24 agi, and 92 ARP
Offset gains: 48 AP, 8 crit, and 84 hit
Conclusion: Set
Shoulders: vs 8 agi, and 72 ARP
offset: 1 yellow socket, and 64 haste
Conclusion: Off-set
Chest: vs 16 agi, 108 crit, and 92 ARP
offset: 1 blue socket, 16 AP, 100 hit, and 92 exp
Conclusion: Off-set
Legs: vs 16 agi, 108 ARP, and 92 Exp
offset: 1 blue socket, 16 AP, 84 hit, and 108 crit
Conclusion: Wash
Gloves: vs 8 agi, and 8 haste
offset: 1 yellow socket
Conclusion: Off-set
Step 4:Changing the gloves gains you 8 agi and 8 haste while changing the shoulders gains you 8 agi and 72 ARP.
Changing the gloves costs you 1 yellow socket while changing the shoulders costs you another yellow socket and 64 haste.
Is the 4pc set bonus, 16 agi, and 72 ARP worth 60 stam (2 yellow sockets) and 56 haste?
Step 5: The 277 Best-in-Slot list.WEAPON:
Binds when picked up
PolearmTwo Hand
886-1329 DmgSpeed 3.40
(325.7 damage per second)
+175 Agility
+183 Stamina
Red Socket
Blue Socket
Yellow Socket
Durability: 120 / 120
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 122
Equip: Improves haste rating by 98
Equip: Increases your attack power by 212
HEAD: Lasherweave Headguard HeroicBinds when picked up
564 Armor+183 Agility+183 Stamina
Meta Socket
Red SocketDurability: 70 / 70
Classes: Druid
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 114Equip: Increases your attack power by 196Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 106SHOULDERS: Lasherweave Shoulderpads HeroicBinds when picked up
521 Armor+136 Agility+136 Stamina
Red SocketDurability: 70 / 70
Classes: Druid
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 90Equip: Increases your attack power by 165Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 82CHEST:'s Sack of Wonder HeroicBinds when picked up
694 Armor+167 Agility+183 Stamina
Red Socket
Blue Socket
Yellow SocketDurability: 120 / 120
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Improves hit rating by 114Equip: Increases your attack power by 228Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 106
LEGS: Lasherweave Legguards HeroicBinds when picked up
608 Armor+183 Agility+183 Stamina
Red Socket
Yellow SocketDurability: 90 / 90
Classes: Druid
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Increases your attack power by 212Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 122Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 106HANDS: Lasherweave Handgrips HeroicBinds when picked up
434 Armor+136 Agility+136 Stamina
Red SocketDurability: 40 / 40
Classes: Druid
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Improves haste rating by 82Equip: Increases your attack power by 165Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 90BRACERS:'s Maximized Wristguards HeroicBinds when picked up
304 Armor+102 Agility+102 Stamina
Yellow SocketDurability: 40 / 40
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 60Equip: Increases your attack power by 120Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 68BELT:'s Sutured Cinch HeroicBinds when picked up
391 Armor+120 Agility+136 Stamina
Blue Socket
Red SocketDurability: 40 / 40
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 90Equip: Increases your attack power by 181Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 74BOOTS: (going to list two here because they are extremely close and for how easy it is to get the crafted ones I think they are definitely the better choice thus they are listed first) (only the pattern is present on armory) of Impending DeathBinds when equipped
457 Armor+120 Agility
+120 Stamina
Red SocketBlue SocketSocket Bonus: +6 AgilityDurability 60 / 60
Requires Level 80
Item Level 264
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 80 (1.74% @ L80).Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 64 (7.81 @ L80).Equip: Increases attack power by 129. Fur Boots HeroicBinds when picked up
477 Armor+120 Agility+136 Stamina
Yellow Socket
Yellow SocketDurability: 60 / 60
Requires Level 80
Item Level 277
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 90Equip: Increases your attack power by 181Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 74